Grades and Subscription Rates

Error description: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'order by Band Asc, YEAR(FromDate) Desc' at line 1 SQL: SELECT RecordID, Band, Date_Format(FromDate,'%d/%m/%Y') as FromDate, Date_Format(ToDate,'%d/%m/%Y') as ToDate, CONCAT('£', Rate) as Rate from SubscriptionRate where Band = order by Band Asc, YEAR(FromDate) Desc

GradeCode PostNominals Description DefaultBand
A AMIAP Associate Member 4 –>
C CMPN Companion 1 –>
D DFIAP Distinguished Fellow 9 –>
F FIAP Fellow 2 –>
G GradIAP Graduate 5 –>
L LIAP Licentiate 6 –>
M MIAP Member 3 –>
R Retired Member 8 –>
S SIAP Student 7 –>
U Ungraded 9 –>
Z Staff 9 –>